Core tools and new tools

A set of core tools is used to support work in the individual phases. Most of the tools are mature and in common use, and are already deployed in most large companies and in public product policy. These include megatrend analysis, consumer research and Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA). Three new core tools were specially developed for PROSA: Social LCA, Benefit Analysis (based on consumer research) and the ProFitS (Products Fit to Sustainability) evaluation framework.

The next sections of this manual present in detail and explain with case studies the following tools:

  • Product Portfolio Sustainability Analysis,
  • Life-Cycle Costing,
  • Eco-Efficiency Analysis,
  • Social LCA and the assessment model SocioGrade,
  • Benefit Analysis and the assessment model  BeneGrade
  • the overall interpretation framework ProFitS.