Product Portfolio Analysis

PROSA Product Portfolio Analysis is used to select the product areas, business units or key products to be analysed in greater depth. If work conducted previously has already led to this selection, product portfolio analysis can be dispensed with.

PROSA portfolio analysis involves both a classic, economically focussed portfolio analysis and a sustainability portfolio analysis. The PROSA Product Portfolio Analysis confronts the economically determined self-perception of a company with an external perception from the sustainability perspective and from a stakeholder perspective.

The classic product portfolio analysis supplements the economic aspects to capture social and environmental aspects:

  • Social and environmental risks in production, in business processes and in the market; captured as hotspots in the PROSA Product Portfolio – Sustainability Risks (cf. Figure beside presented without case study).
  • Social and environmental opportunities arising from product innovations, improved market position and adherence to key objectives of society, captured as benefits and eco-potential in the PROSA Product Portfolio – Sustainability Opportunities (cf. Figure beside shown for the example of a prefabricated house manufacturer).

Special attention is given to potential new products or services. Product-related sustainability innovations can hold out the following opportunities:

  • Identification of new business opportunities (markets) that were not previously recognized
  • Migration into business fields that will by their very nature provide long-term opportunities
  • Greater orientation to growing long-term customer wishes
  • Generation of win-win situations for the company and society, and thus improved reputation of the company

A final SWOT analysis provides an integrated perspective on the internally perceived (economic) strengths and weaknesses and the externally perceived (social and environmental) opportunities and risks.